Solar Power Port
Save money on your energy and irrigation needs! Build water security for your family! Create free solar energy on your homestead! You can run your air conditioner guilt free or charge your electric car by building your very own solar power plant. Learn how to DIY your very own solar array on your property.
Abundant Homestead
Take a tour of our organic permaculture garden oasis. View our Hugelkultur raised garden beds supported by rolled river rocks. We’ll show you how to grow your own food, build soil with free and abundant materials, collect rainwater for your own organic gardens, and harvest the energy from the sun!
Best Garden Tools
These legacy tools are the best gardening implements I have ever used and will last a lifetime. Hand made in the U.S.A. by a farmer that knew he could do it better. These tools are literally art in motion from the American Heartland designed, handcrafted, made with durability and user friendliness in mind.
Filling Raised Beds
A raised bed with good soil can play a valuable role on any permaculture homestead. This is a complete video guide on how to fill a raised organic gardening bed tall enough to accommodate a hugelkultur style set-up for under $50. You can grow over 100lbs of food in this bed!
Top 5 Best Tools
These products make it easier to do yard work and are essential for successful gardening. From legacy garden tools like Rogue’s no-break rake and the always by my side hori hori, to the epitome of form-and-function pointed broad-head spade. I’ll show you my favorite tools that work hard so you don’t have to!
Rainwater Collection
Rainwater collection is one of the lowest hanging fruit projects you can complete in a short period of time at your permaculture homestead. You can increase water security on your property and dramatically reduce chemical loads in your organic beds and in your home grown fruits and vegetables.