Jacob’s Well Natural Area is a vegetated filter strip project protecting one of the most precious water resources in central Texas. Working side by side with out client David Baker of the Wimberly Valley Watershed Association we were awarded a grant from the The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment to regenerate this 2 acre system. This two acres, immediately up hill from Jacobs Well, was a degraded landscape that was shedding storm water faster than it could use it was turned into a bold and valuable recharge asset. This prairie restoration theme was combined with selective cedar trimming to motivate bio-diversity, reduce fire loads, slow water down, reduce run-off, increase in-soak, reduce sediment loads, provide a more dynamic landscape and increase the trail system.

Jacob’s Well — Many projects are completed in phases. This is a map of our completed “1.0 Project” and a representation of our initial “2.0 Project” design analysis.

Jacob’s Well — This two acre filtration system protects Cypress Creek and recharges the Trinity Aquifer in central Texas while providing wildlife habitat and reducing the spread of wildfires.

Jacob’s Well — The utility and vehicular access are considerations in all of our designs. Here we created a permeable parking lot that reduces runoff and helps our filtration system by working in conjunction with it.